Celebrate Texas History Month in March

Celebrate Texas History Month in March

On March 2, 1836 – 183 years ago – 59 men met at Washington-on-the-Brazos and declared Texas a sovereign and independent republic. The remarkable actions of extraordinary men and women – both before and after that momentous occasion – form part of the legend that has made our state so brilliant and unique. The battles fought at Goliad, the Alamo, and San Jacinto are well-known events in our state’s formidable beginnings, but they are only a part of Texas’s rich and illustrious past.

Take advantage of this month-long celebration to read about some of the lesser-known – but equally significant – events and people that have contributed to our incredible heritage. Sail along with the pirate Jean Laffite and the corsairs who haunted the Texas coast, leaving hidden or lost treasures in their wake. Battle the state’s merciless elements along with cowboys and cattle barons like Shanghai Pierce, Charles Goodnight, and Richard King. Who was the Angel of Goliad? What and where were the freedom colonies? Watch the DVD, A Class Apart, and learn about a murder trial in the small town of Edna that would eventually become a landmark civil rights case in the U.S. Supreme Court, paving the way for equality for millions of Americans.


You can also join us at some of the great Texas-History programs that we have planned in March and April!


Visit our Genealogy & Local History Department at George Memorial Library, and trace your own family’s history. Be sure and ask about the genealogy classes that take place throughout the library system!