America’s News from NewsBank
Current news stories and historical articles from America's News and newspapers from around the world. Resources include the Houston Chronicle and collected Special Reports on current events.
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Current news stories and historical articles from America's News and newspapers from around the world. Resources include the Houston Chronicle and collected Special Reports on current events.
Search or browse text-only digital issues of the Houston Chronicle from 1985 to the present, or open the daily full-color image version of the Houston Chronicle from NewsBank.
View a short video about this resource here.
Select "View Resource" below and then click on today's date to see today's paper, available each morning. View the entire publication, including the Sunday "Career Search" page. Use the calendar to select from the archive of NewsBank's image version of Houston Chronicle issues dating back to October 24, 2017.
View a short video about this resource here.
Discover news and historical articles from America's News and newspapers from around the world. Resources include the Houston Chronicle and collected Special Reports on current events.
Access The Wall Street Journal from anywhere! Direct access to The Wall Street Journal online. Search defaults to searching the last 90 days' worth of WSJ articles, but the advanced search lets you search the last four years. Access to the PDF replica of the daily print edition is available. Please note that only the past seven days are available for the PDF daily editions, and The Wall Street Journal apps do not work for library users.
1. Start by clicking "View Resource."
2. Then click on “Log-in required – click here” to sign into your library-card account.
3. You will then be directed to, where you can create your account, and you can start using immediately.
4. Your access will be available for the next three days.
After three days, simply come back and click "View Resource" again and follow steps 1-2. Once you arrive at, log in as an existing user with the same username and password you originally created.
View a short video about this resource here.