Fort Bend County Info Index Search
Searchable database containing official Fort Bend County public and court records.
Legal Filing online: eFILE Texas Self Help
File your legal paperwork online using this free tool.
Legal Forms: COUNTY CLERK Forms Library for Fort Bend County
Select from legal forms using this free forms library from the Fort Bend County County Clerk's Office, including Birth & Death, Marriage, DBA, Brands, Official Public Records and Civil, Juvenile, Misdemeanor and Probate Court.
Legal Forms: DISTRICT CLERK Forms Library for Fort Bend County
Select from legal forms using this free forms library from the Fort Bend County District Clerk's Office, including Counsel in Death Penalty Cases, Civil/Family, Subpeona, Administrative Services Requests, and Board of District Judges Approved Forms regarding Bail, Minor Funds and Sealed Records.
Legal Services and Other Resources for Low-income Texans: Referral Directory
This resource lists free and reduced-cost legal services. These include: legal resources related to civil matters that are available statewide, legal resources related to civil matters by county, legal and other resources relating to criminal matters, lawyer referral services (which may be full fee or reduced fee), and an introduction to pro se (or self-help) resources.
Previously available in print, this directory is now freely available online, and is published by the Legal Access Division of the State Bar of Texas.
LegalForms (Gale)
This database has an extensive collection of free forms available to library patrons. Thousands of legal forms are already available, and more are being added daily. Official, state-specific, Federal, business, personal, real estate, and general forms covering hundreds of legal subjects and issues are included.
Warning: Public users should consult an attorney in your state for serious legal matters. This resource is not a replacement for the advice of an attorney. Library staff cannot give legal advice or recommend specific forms.
Not in Library: Enter your library card number (no spaces.)
Lexis Advance
A simple-to-use, powerful resource for online legal research. Visit the library for access to State and Federal case law, statutes, codes, regulations, forms, and secondary material.
LexisNexis Digital Library
Access Lexis Advance collections digitally on any device using your permanent Fort Bend County Libraries card or an eCard. From within the library, link from eBooks to cases or statutes on Lexis Advance. Annotate and highlight within your eBook.
Texas Constitution and Statutes
Searchable and browseable database of all the Texas Constitution, all 27 Texas codes, and other statutes from the Texas Legislature.
Texas Courts Online
Portal for information and resources concerning Texas courts.
Texas Law Help is dedicated to providing free, reliable legal information to low-income Texans. The website is part of a national legal aid effort that is using technology to enhance and expand the delivery of legal services. In the last year alone, more than 3.8 million people visited the site. is a collaborative effort by Texas legal aid organizations and foundations, courts, and nonprofits. It is managed by Texas Legal Services Center (TLSC). TLSC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that empowers underserved Texans through legal education, advocacy, advice, and representation.
Westlaw is one of the primary online legal research services for lawyers and legal professionals in the United States. Visit the library for access to State and Federal case law, statutes, codes, regulations, forms, and secondary material.