Flipster eMagazine FAQ

Flipster is a digital magazine service provided by Fort Bend County Libraries featuring popular full-color magazines for all ages. Every title is always available, and there are never any late fees. You can enjoy Flipster digital magazines in your browser or using a free mobile app. You will find a link to the Flipster webpage from the Fort Bend County Libraries homepage under Books, eLibrary, and More.

In the Flipster service website or in the Flipster mobile app, you can browse for Flipster magazines by category or search by title. You can also search for titles in the Fort Bend County Libraries catalog, or you can search the catalog using the keyword "Flipster" to retrieve a complete list of Flipster magazines offered by your library.

To use Flipster magazines from outside the library, you will need your Fort Bend County Libraries card number and Internet access. Once you’ve logged into Flipster and found a magazine to read, click on the cover to read the issue in your browser. You may also choose to download the Flipster app from the app store for your mobile device. In the app settings, select Fort Bend County Libraries and log in using your library card number. You can search for and select an issue from within the app and then download the issue to the app to begin reading.

You can use as many Flipster magazines as you like, for as long as you like.

Flipster magazines are always available to read while online. If you want to download a magazine for offline use later, you may do so in the Flipster app by clicking the "download" button beneath a selected issue. A magazine that is published weekly will expire after 2 days. A magazine that is published monthly will expire after one week. An issue can always be re-downloaded at any time after it expires.

There are never any late fees for Flipster users.

Flipster provides the latest issue of each of our subscriptions, plus a year or more of back issues. Back issues can be accessed by opening the latest issue and selecting “All Issues.”

Fort Bend County Libraries launched the Flipster service in August of 2016 with about 50 flagship subscriptions to popular magazines for adults, teens and children. More titles were added in following years. You may use our Suggest-a-Title service (available from our homepage under “How Do I...”) to let us know what titles you would like to see in the future.

Flipster does offer a free downloadable app for many devices, but Flipster magazines can also be read using the browser on your Internet-connected device.

An iOS Flipster app can be downloaded from iTunes app store, from Google Play for Android, and from the Amazon Appstore for Kindle Fire. Special instructions for downloading the Flipster app to the Kindle Fire can be found here.

During regular library business hours, please visit us or call 281-341-2605. To ask a question by email, contact digitalres@fortbend.lib.tx.us. A librarian will reply to your email within two working days.

Click here to be taken to the Flipster help page.